Press Releases

Winners of 2022 Jerry S. Cohen Award for Antitrust Scholarship Announced

June 15, 2022


WASHINGTON, D.C. – In recognition of their outstanding contribution to antitrust scholarship, the authors listed below have been selected as recipients of the 20th Annual Jerry S. Cohen Memorial Fund Writing Award:

  • Colleen Cunningham, Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School;
  • Florian Ederer, Associate Professor of Economics, Yale School of Management;
  • Song Ma, Assistant Professor of Finance, Yale School of Management.

The award will be presented during the gala luncheon at the American Antitrust Institute’s 23rd Annual Policy Conference on June 15, 2022 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

The authors will be honored for their article, “Killer Acquisitions,” 129 J. Pol. Econ. 649 (2021). The article argues that incumbent firms may acquire innovative targets solely to discontinue the target’s innovation projects and preempt future competition. The authors develop an economic model illustrating this phenomenon and then empirically quantify its prevalence using pharmaceutical industry data. They find that at least 5% of the acquisitions in their sample qualify as “killer acquisitions” and that those acquisitions tend to cluster right below the thresholds for antitrust scrutiny.

The three winners will share a $13,500 prize and will each receive an inscribed original artwork created by Lori Milstein.

In addition, this year’s award selection committee has conferred seven category awards, as follows:

This year’s award selection committee consisted of Zachary Caplan, Shareholder at Berger Montague; Warren Grimes, Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School; John Kirkwood, Professor of Law at Seattle University School of Law; Roger Noll, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Stanford University; Leslie Marx, Professor of Economics at Duke Fuqua School of Business; Robert Lande, Professor of Law at University of Baltimore School of Law; Daniel A. Small, Partner at Cohen Milstein; and Daniel H. Silverman, Partner at Cohen Milstein. (Professor Marx recused herself from deliberations relating to her own article.)

About the Award:

The Jerry S. Cohen Memorial Fund Writing Award was created through a trust established in memory of Jerry S. Cohen, an outstanding trial lawyer and antitrust scholar. The award is administered by the law firm he founded, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC.

The award honors the best antitrust writing published during the prior year that is consistent with the values that animated Jerry S. Cohen’s professional life:  a genuine concern for economic justice, the dispersal of economic power, effective limitations upon economic power, and the vigorous enforcement of the antitrust laws.

For more information please contact:

Kate Fitzgerald / 202.408.4600 /