Current Cases

Ndugga v. Bloomberg, L.P.

Status Current Case

Practice area Civil Rights & Employment

Court U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York

Case number 20-cv-07464 (GHW)


Cohen Milstein represents female Bloomberg L.P. News reporters and/or producers, who claim that Bloomberg’s compensation and promotions process is systemically discriminatory against women is directed from the highest levels at Bloomberg Media. They also claim that this discrimination has adversely affected their careers, as well as the careers of hundreds of other women who work or worked at Bloomberg Media as Reporters, Producers, or Editors.

The suit was originally brought by Nafeesa Syeed, a former reporter, and was later joined by Ms. Ndugga, a then-current producer. They alleged a pattern or practice of sex discrimination at Bloomberg Media and sought to represent a class of women who work or have worked as reporters, producers and editors for Bloomberg Media, and have been subjected to discrimination in pay and promotions.

Important Rulings

  • On July 25, 2023, Judge Gregory H. Woods of United States District Court for the Southern District of New York denied Bloomberg LP’s motion to dismiss, stating “it is thus plausible that, after discovery, [Ndugga] will be able to demonstrate commonality among BLP’s female producers, reporters and editors, especially since the [editorial management committee] ‘controls all employment decisions’ at BLP.” On the same day, the court granted Plaintiff’s motion for reconsideration, reinstating her disparate impact claims.
  • On August 17, 2022, the court denied in part and granted in part Defendant’s motions to dismiss in October 2021 and August 2022, thus allowing Ms. Ndugga’s claims for class-wide pay discrimination and individual hostile work environment and retaliation under New York State and New York City Human Rights laws to move forward, and also permitting Plaintiffs to amend their complaint.

Case Background

Plaintiffs and the proposed class were subject to promotion decisions that were intended to, and had the effect of, adversely affecting women, which were made by the Editorial Management Committee, a small group consisting solely of white men, based in New York, which systematically favored white men like the committee members over women such as Plaintiffs and the proposed class. The Editorial Management Committee exercised similar power over compensation and performance evaluation decisions, with the intention, and having the effect, of disfavoring women. In particular, the Editorial Management Committee set new hire pay rates – which set the basis of salary for those individuals as they progress in Defendant’s workforce – by relying significantly on their prior compensation before working at Bloomberg, notwithstanding that this factor has had a significant adverse impact on women.

The original case name was: Syeed v. Bloomberg, L.P., Civ. No. 20-cv-07464 (GHW), United States District Court, Southern District of New York.

The operative case name is: Ndugga v. Bloomberg, L.P., Civ. No. 20-cv-07464 (GHW), United States District Court, Southern District of New York.