Kai Richter, of counsel in Cohen Milstein’s Employee Benefits/ERISA practice, has extensive trial and appellate experience in ERISA class action litigation in federal courts across the country.
Prior to joining Cohen Milstein, Kai was a partner and practice leader at a highly regarded national plaintiffs’ law firm, where he represented clients in all manner of class actions, including over two dozen ERISA class actions as court-appointed class counsel.
Kai’s experience also includes public service as the Manager of the Complex Litigation Division of the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, and as a litigator in the Office of General Counsel for the Federal Election Commission.
A sought-after public speaker, Kai has spoken frequently on ERISA before the American Law Institute, American Bar Association, Professional Liability Underwriting Society, Retirement Advisor Council, Practising Law Institute, and American Conference Institute.
In addition, Kai has held teaching roles as the co-director of the Robert F. Wagner Labor Law Moot Court Program for the University of Minnesota Law School, and as an adjunct legal writing instructor at Hamline University. He also formerly served as the co-chair of the Minnesota State Bar Association Consumer Litigation Section.
- Minnesota
- University of Minnesota Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1999
- Dartmouth College, B.A., cum laude, 1995
Current Cases
AT&T Pension Benefit Plan Litigation
Scott, et al. v. AT&T Inc. (N.D. Cal.): Cohen Milstein represents participants and beneficiaries in the AT&T Pension Benefit Plan who allege that AT&T failed comply with ERISA’s actuarial equivalence requirements when providing married participants joint and survivor annuities.
Envision Management Holding, Inc. ESOP Litigation
Harrison v. Envision Management Holding, Inc. Board of Directors, et al. (D. Col.): Cohen Milstein represents Envision Management Holding ESOP participants, who allege the ESOP purchased Envision Management Holding stock at an inflated price, causing a multi-million-dollar loss to the ESOP. On February 9, 2023, A three-judge panel for the Tenth Circuit, in a 41-page published opinion, sided with Plaintiffs' argument, which was backed up by a U.S. Department of Labor amicus brief, that an arbitration provision tucked in Envision workers' ESOP plan impermissibly blocked remedies under ERISA, triggering an exemption in the Federal Arbitration Act, which permits a court to overrule an arbitration agreement if it blocks a party from being able to bring claims under federal law. On October 10, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Defendants’ petition to review the Tenth Circuit’s decision, thereby affirming the lower court’s March 24, 2022 ruling, which denied Defendants’ motion to compel arbitration.
GWA, LLC 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan Litigation
Andrew-Berry, et al. v. Weiss (D. Conn.): Cohen Milstein represents participants in the GWA, LLC 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan who allege that GWA, LLC and George A. Weiss breached their fiduciary duties and misused employee retirement plan assets to further their own pecuniary interest, in violation of ERISA. Specifically, plaintiffs allege that 100% of the Plan’s investments (all of which are 401(k) assets) were and continue to be invested in “The Weiss Funds,” which includes the company’s flagship hedge fund named the “Weiss Multi-Strategy Partners Ltd.” and the company’s mutual fund named the “Weiss Alternative Multi-Strategy Fund,” which generally “replicates” the hedge fund’s strategy.
JPMorgan Chase Prescription Drug Litigation
Stern v. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (S.D.N.Y.): Cohen Milstein represents participants in the JPMorgan Chase Health Care Insurance Program for Active Employees and its component Medical Plan in a proposed class action. Plaintiffs allege that JPMorgan systematically mismanaged its prescription-drug benefits program by agreeing to pay its pharmacy benefit manager, CVS Caremark, grossly inflated prescription drug prices, costing the health plan and its participants millions of dollars through higher payments for prescription drugs, higher premiums, higher out-of-pocket costs, higher deductibles, higher coinsurance, higher copays, and suppressed wages.
Johnson & Johnson Prescription Drug Litigation
Lewandowski v. Johnson and Johnson (D.N.J.): Cohen Milstein represents participants in Johnson & Johnson’s Group Health Benefits Plan in a putative ERISA class action, accusing the pharmaceutical giant of mismanaging its own health plans’ prescription drug program, costing employees millions of dollars in the form of higher payments for prescription drugs, higher out-of-pocket costs and co-pays, and, ultimately, lower wages in violation of ERISA.
Luxottica Group Pension Plan Litigation
Duke v. Luxottica U.S. Holdings Corp., et al. (E.D.N.Y.): Cohen Milstein represents Luxottica pension plan participants in a lawsuit, alleging that the plan used outdated mortality tables to determine the value of participants’ joint and survivor annuities, resulting in married retirees receiving less than the actuarial equivalent of the benefit that ERISA protects.
Nationwide Savings Plan Litigation
Sweeney, et al. v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, et al. (D. Mass.): We represent participants and beneficiaries of the MassMutual Thrift Plan in a class action against Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance and other fiduciaries responsible for managing the MassMutual Thrift Plan, a defined contribution retirement plan. Plaintiffs allege that MassMutual and other fiduciaries engaged in self-dealing in violation of ERISA, cost its employees tens of millions of dollars in retirement savings.
WBBQ ESOP Litigation
Lloyd, et al. v. Argent Trust Company, et al. (S.D.N.Y): Cohen Milstein represents participants and beneficiaries of the W BBQ Holdings, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan, who allege that the trustee of the WBBQ ESOP, Argent Trust Company and the company’s owner, and controlling managers and shareholders breached their fiduciary duties, causing the ESOP to engage in transactions that are prohibited under ERISA and in connection with the sale of the company to the ESOP for an inflated purchase price that far exceeded its fair market value.
Wells Fargo Health Plan Litigation
Navarro, et al. v. Wells Fargo & Co. (D. Minn.): Cohen Milstein is representing members of the Wells Fargo & Company Health Plan in a putative class action against Wells Fargo and senior executives for mismanaging Wells Fargo’s prescription-drug benefits program. Plaintiffs allege that such breaches of fiduciary duties and prohibited transactions have cost their ERISA plan and their employees millions of dollars in the form of higher payments for prescription drugs, higher premiums, higher out-of-pocket costs, and lower wages or limited wage growth.
Western Milling ESOP Litigation
Zavala v. Kruse-Western Inc. et al. (E.D. Cal.): We represent participants and beneficiaries of the Western Milling Employee Stock Ownership Plan, who allege that the ESOP’s trustees breached their fiduciary duties by engaging in risky investments in violation of ERISA, including purchasing 100% of Kruse-Western, Inc. company stock, which was valued at approximately 90% of the purchase price for several years after the ESOP Transaction.
Past Cases
Casino Queen ESOP Litigation
Hensiek v. Board of Directors of CQ Holding Company, Inc., et al. (S.D. Ill.): Cohen Milstein represents ESOP participants who allege that the Board of Directors of CQ Holding Company, Inc. and related defendants violated ERISA when they created an ESOP to buy their Casino Queen stock for $170 million, a significantly inflated price. In late 2021, the Seventh Circuit directed Defendants to voluntarily dismiss their appeal on the arbitration issue on the heels of our precedent-setting victory before the Seventh Circuit in Smith v. GreatBanc Trust Company, which cited an exception to the Federal Arbitration Act that permits a court to overrule an arbitration agreement if it blocks a party from being able to bring claims under federal law. On February 25, 2025, the court granted preliminary approval of a $7.1 million settlement.
New York Life Insurance Company 401(k) Litigation
Krohnengold v. New York Life Insurance Company (S.D.N.Y.): Cohen Milstein represented employees and agents of New York Life Insurance in this certified class action against New York Life for allegedly mismanaging its 401(k) and engaging in corporate self-dealing and the prohibited transfer of employees’ retirement assets. Plaintiffs claim that New York Life impermissibly invested participants investments into a Fixed Dollar Account by default and improperly favored and included its own in-house investment funds in its plans, thereby earning New York Life and its affiliates windfall profits. On July 18, 2024, the Court granted final approval of a $19 million settlement - approximately 25% of the alleged losses.
- Chamber USA Top Ranked ERISA Litigation: Mainly Plaintiffs Nationwide (2023, 2024)
- The Best Lawyers in America (2023 – 2025)
March 14, 2025
Class Action Alleges JPMorgan Mismanaged Employee Health and Prescription Benefits
A new class action lawsuit filed today alleges that JPMorgan mismanaged its employee health and prescription benefits program resulting in its current and former employees vastly overpaying for premiums and out-of-pocket costs.
Press Releases | Cohen Milstein
March 14, 2025
JPMorgan Employee Lawsuit Says Bank Overpaid for Prescription Drugs
JPMorgan Chase & Co. was sued by employees who say the company’s prescription drug plan, run by CVS Health Corp., agreed to pay exorbitant prices for medications, driving up expenses for workers. The would-be class action is the latest lawsuit accusing a large employer of mismanaging health benefits. In one example, JPMorgan’s plan paid more than $6,000 for a multiple sclerosis drug that’s available for about $30 at retail pharmacies such as Rite Aid, according to a copy of the lawsuit reviewed by Bloomberg News.
In the News | Bloomberg Law
March 12, 2025
Luxottica Drops Appeal on ERISA Suit’s Arbitrability
Luxottica shuttered its appeal of a New York federal judge’s order that the company could not compel arbitration of a worker’s representative claims that it violated federal benefits law by using outdated mortality data to calculate pensions benefits. The Second Circuit ended the challenge Monday after the eyewear company and Janet Duke notified the court […]
In the News | Law360
January 6, 2025
2nd Circ. Says Argent Can’t Force ESOP Suit To Arbitration
The Second Circuit knocked down Argent Trust Co.'s bid to arbitrate the WBBQ ESOP case alleging the wealth management company sold inflated shares to a barbecue chain's employee stock ownership plan, after ruling in a similar case that identical arbitration contract language wasn't enforceable.
In the News | Law360
October 3, 2024
Citgo Will Increase Pensions $10M To End Mortality Table Suit
Citgo will increase the value of pensioners’ retirements by $10 million to settle a class action alleging it shorted early retirement payouts by basing the allowances on outdated mortality tables that used data from the 1970s, according to filings in Illinois federal court. Citgo Petroleum Corp. retirees entered a motion for preliminary approval Wednesday in […]
In the News | Law360
October 4, 2024
Court Preliminarily Approves Citgo “Marriage Penalty” Class Action Settlement
Today, a federal judge granted preliminary approval of a proposed class action settlement that provides $10 million in increased pension benefits to more than 1,700 participants and beneficiaries in two of Citgo Petroleum Corporation’s pension plans.
Press Releases | Cohen Milstein
September 18, 2024
Citgo Settles Retirees’ Suit Over Outdated Mortality Data
Citgo struck a deal to settle a class action alleging it shorted retirees in early retirement payouts by basing the allowances on outdated mortality tables that used data from the 1970s, according to a joint notice filed in Illinois federal court. Citgo Petroleum Corp. and a class of retirees alerted the court in a joint […]
In the News | Law360
March 22, 2024
Radiology Co., Trustee Must Face Ex-Worker’s ESOP Suit
A Colorado federal judge refused to toss a proposed class action accusing a radiology company and its trustee of overcharging the company’s employee stock ownership plan in a $163.7 million sale, saying the former workers’ complaint puts forward enough details to back up their allegations. In a text-only order Thursday, U.S. District Judge Charlotte N. […]
In the News | Law360
August 9, 2024
Home Depot’s ERISA Win At 11th Circ. Deepens Circuit Split
The Eleventh Circuit’s recent ruling backing Home Depot’s defeat of a suit from workers who showed their 401(k) plan was mismanaged, but couldn’t tie those lapses to financial losses, adds to a growing circuit split that attorneys say warrants guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court. A three-judge panel’s decision Aug. 2 affirmed the home improvement […]
In the News | Law360
July 22, 2024
NY Life Workers’ $19M ERISA Deal Gets Final Approval
Current and former New York Life workers received final approval for a $19 million deal ending their lawsuit claiming the insurance giant kept inferior proprietary investment options in its employee 401(k) plans. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman signed off on the settlement agreement, overruling a single objection to the proposed class settlement. […]
In the News | Law360
May 9, 2024
Kai Richter Joins ABA Panel on the Next Frontiers of Plan Fee Litigation
Kai Richter joins an esteemed panel at the ABA ERISA: Beyond the Basics conference, May 7 – 9, 2024. This virtual panel, “The Next Frontiers of Plan Fee Litigation,” will convene at 3 p.m. EST on May 9, 2024. As standards tighten for defined contribution plan fee and investment litigation, what is next on the […]
Events | ABA | ERISA: Beyond the Basics
March 29, 2024
Sweeping Class Certified In Nationwide Pension Plan Suit
More than 50,000 participants in a Nationwide pension plan can proceed as a class with claims that the company unlawfully transferred assets from the plan to a company subsidiary, as an Ohio federal judge ruled that questions about Nationwide’s conduct outweigh differences among participants. In an order issued Thursday, U.S. District Judge Sarah D. Morrison […]
In the News | Law360
March 19, 2024
Cohen Milstein Joins Prosecution of Novel ERISA Class Action Against Johnson & Johnson
Cohen Milstein recently joined plaintiff’s legal team in Lewandowski v. Johnson and Johnson, a novel class action filed in federal court in New Jersey, accusing J&J of mismanaging the prescription drug program in its health plan, costing employees millions.
Press Releases
February 26, 2024
New York Life To Pay $19M To Settle Retirement Plan Suit
Current and former New York Life Insurance workers asked a federal court Monday to approve a $19 million deal in a proposed class action alleging the insurance giant unlawfully kept underperforming proprietary investment options in two employee retirement plans. Plan participants leading the Employee Retirement Income Security Act suit said in a motion for preliminary […]
In the News | Law360
January 23, 2024
New York Life Strikes Deal To End Workers’ 401(k) Suit
New York Life Insurance Co. and thousands of current and former insurance company workers told a New York federal court Monday that they had struck a deal to settle a case alleging mismanagement of the employees’ 401(k) retirement plan. Parties to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act suit said in a joint letter to the […]
In the News | Law360
October 10, 2023
High Court Turns Away Push To Send ESOP Suit To Arbitration
The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Tuesday to review a Tenth Circuit decision that an arbitration provision in a radiology company’s employee stock ownership plan documents was unenforceable, despite the company’s argument that workers’ claims they were overcharged for company stock didn’t belong in court. In an order list, the justices rejected the July petition […]
In the News | Law360
August 29, 2023
ESOP Participants Urge Justices to Reject Arbitration Plea
Participants in a radiology company’s employee stock ownership plan urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reject a management-side petition for certiorari seeking to force arbitration of their benefits lawsuit, arguing the Tenth Circuit rightly found a provision in ESOP plan documents unenforceable because it purported to eliminate statutory remedies. The proposed class of participants in […]
In the News | Law360
August 4, 2023
No Pause in ERISA Class Suit for Supreme Court Appeal
A proposed class action alleging a radiology company and its founders overcharged an employee stock ownership plan can move forward, a Colorado federal judge has ruled, saying the defendants aren’t entitled to a stay while they appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court over an order that found federal benefits law trumped the company’s arbitration agreement. […]
In the News | Law360
June 27, 2023
New York Life Workers Seek Class Nod In 401(k) Suit
A group of current and former New York Life Insurance Co. workers asked for class status in their New York federal court lawsuit alleging the insurance giant retained underperforming proprietary investment funds in two retirement plans, arguing that their claims can be litigated in one fell swoop. The employees said Monday that their Employee Retirement […]
In the News | Law360
June 14, 2023
5 Important Benefits Rulings From The 1st Half Of 2023
Here are five rulings from the first six months of 2023 that benefits lawyers should have on their radar. . . . ESOP Managers Lose 10th Circ. Arbitration Bid The Tenth Circuit issued a published opinion Feb. 9 rejecting a radiology company’s bid to compel individual arbitration of an ERISA class action from workers who […]
In the News | Law360
March 23, 2023
Kai Richter to Speak at PLI’s ERISA Fiduciary Investment Basics Program
Kai Richter will speak on the panel “401(k) Plan Fiduciary Fundamentals,” part of the Practising Law Institute (PLI) program ERISA Fiduciary Investment Basics 2023, on March 23. The panel will discuss key definitions and fiduciary concepts that apply to defined contribution plans for where participants direct investment of their accounts. The one-day course employs presentations […]
February 9, 2023
10th Circ. Won’t Force Arbitration in Radiology Co. ESOP Row
The Tenth Circuit on Thursday rejected a radiology company’s bid to force into individual arbitration a federal benefits lawsuit from workers who alleged mismanagement of their employee stock ownership plan. The panel upheld an arbitration provision in ESOP plan documents as unenforceable because it blocked remedies under federal benefits law. A three-judge panel in a […]
In the News | Law360
February 2, 2023
Cohen Milstein Announces Expansion into Boston and Minneapolis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Media Contact: cohenmilstein@berlinrosen.com WASHINGTON, DC – Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, one of the nation’s leading plaintiffs’ law firms, has announced its expansion into Massachusetts and Minnesota with the opening of offices in Boston and Minneapolis. This expansion allows the firm to further serve client needs across practices and act as […]
Press Releases | Cohen Milstein
January 26, 2023
2022 Benefits Group of the Year: Cohen Milstein
Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC finalized several multimillion-dollar settlements in federal benefits lawsuits last year and defeated an Illinois casino’s bid to escape a suit from workers alleging mismanagement of their employee stock ownership plan, earning the firm a repeat selection as one of Law360’s 2022 Benefits Groups of the Year. A federal judge’s […]
In the News | Law360
January 17, 2023
Envision’s Bid for ERISA Arbitration Appears Shaky in 10th Cir.
Arbitration clause limits remedies provided by statute Company urges court to focus on ‘effective’ vindication Envision Management Holding Inc.’s effort to force arbitration in a dispute over its employee stock ownership plan appeared to be in jeopardy on Tuesday, when a panel of Tenth Circuit judges had tough questions for the company’s lawyer. Judge Mary […]
In the News | Bloomberg Law
January 17, 2023
10th Circ. Skeptical of Forcing Arbitration in ESOP Row
The Tenth Circuit appeared skeptical Tuesday of a radiology company’s argument that ex-workers alleging the company mismanaged their employee stock ownership plan should be booted to individual arbitration, citing language in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act allowing workers to seek plan-wide relief. A three-judge panel during oral arguments quickly focused on whether workers’ rights […]
In the News | Law360
December 7, 2022
Argent Can’t Arbitrate Suit Over $99M ESOP Buy
A New York federal judge refused to send to arbitration a suit claiming Argent Trust let a barbecue chain’s employee stock ownership plan overpay for company shares, ruling Tuesday that the plan’s arbitration agreement is unenforceable because it denies rights afforded under federal benefits law. U.S. District Judge Denise L. Cote said Jamaal Lloyd and […]
In the News | Law360
October 13, 2022
Kai Richter Joins ALI’s Employee Benefit Plans of Tax-Exempt and Governmental Employers 2022 Webcast
Kai Richter has been invited to speak as part of the American Law Institute’s “Employee Benefit Plans of Tax-Exempt and Governmental Employers 2022” CLE webcast on October 13 at 2:45 p.m. EST. Mr. Richter’s discussion, titled “Current State of Plan Litigation and Its Implications,” will address: Fee, expenses, and investment fund alternative-related litigation Cybersecurity litigation Litigation risks […]
August 15, 2022
Workers Seek OK For ERISA Class Over $244M Stock Buy
Workers for an animal feed manufacturer asked a California federal judge for class status in their suit alleging they were charged an inflated $244 million for their employer’s stock just before its value plummeted because of a feed contamination scandal. Three workers filed their request for class certification Thursday in the suit lodged against Kevin […]
In the News | Law360
June 7, 2022
AT&T Workers Seek to Certify 300,000 ERISA Class Members
A group of AT&T Inc. employees and retirees asked a California federal judge to certify two classes containing nearly 300,000 people total in a suit alleging the company miscalculates married couples’ pension plans. The workers said in a motion filed Monday that their case accusing AT&T of violating the Employee Retirement Income Security Act by […]
In the News | Law360